Thursday, April 17, 2014


this is were we calculated the current flowing through the parallel circuit and derived a formula that showed the current in I1 is equivalent to the two connecting currents. 

This is the set up of our parallel circuit and what we used to measure current and resistance. 

This is the setup of our series circuit where the light bulbs are set up in series

This is our calculation for the current and resistance of a series and we found that the potential is equal to the sum of the potentials. we also found that the resistance is constant throughout the circuit. 

This is our table of how we analyzed resistors and used the colors on the resistors to unveil its identity. we noticed that some of the resistors have a lower uncertainty and would be more ideal for measurements requiring a higher precision of accuracy. 

This is the diagram of resistors that are set up like so and using this we calculated the total resistance. when we calculated the expected value of 52 ohms, we created the same circuit shown below and measured the resistance where we got an experimental value of 51 ohms. 

here we evaluated a circuit using loops law and kirkoffs law where we came up with 3 equations with 3 unknowns so that we could find the current through each wire. 

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