Today we examined how resistors and capacitors worked within a circuit. with a power source connected in series with a capacitor, and a light bulb we saw how the capacitor was able to charge or store energy within itself. we saw that when the power was initially turned on the light bulb was at max brightness and as time passed the light bulb dimmed until the capacitor was fully charged. when we discharged the capacitor we found that the discharge and the charge time were the same.
This is the set up of our capacitor in blue with a power supply and light bulb.
Then we evaluated the time it would take to charge two capacitors instead of one and we found that the time it took to charge was longer even though we predicted the time to be shorter. this makes sense because we are charging more capacitors making the charge time and discharge time longer.
This is the circuit we are going to set up inorder to measure the potential with respect to time using logger
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