Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gas Cycles

Here we were able to analyze a PV diagram. Using points on the graph we found the change in internal energy of the system. using this we calculated the work and heat transfer energy from a point on the graph to the next point Where each transition had a different effect on the system.

Using active physics for heat capacity we were able to visually see how the gas particles reacted with increasing and decreasing pressure and volume. we found that the the total heat transfer minus the work equaled the total internal energy. Using various points at different temperatures we could come up with the constant pressure molar heat capacity of an ideal gas. 
This was our PV graph prediction of a mass on a syringe.

This was the experimental graph that was accumulated from the mass increasing and decreasing pressure. 

This is a Carnot cycle which we used as a problem to determine the values of pressure and volume at each point. using the pressures and volumes we calculated the heat transfer, work, and change in internal energy. 

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